Run Your Own Fully Professional Website in 3 Hours

Are you dying to finally see your website or blog up and running?

And do you feel like giving up when you think of doing it all by yourself?

My name is Pat and I want to help you light a candle under your WordPress fears and show you a proven, step-by-step recipe to create and run an amazing, functional website in just 3hrs.

I run 1-on-1 WordPress for Beginners sessions in PERTH, Western Australia, during which I will run you through these steps myself. Since you’ll be the only student during your session, I will be able to laser focus on your personal worries and answer all the questions you’ve been dying to ask about WordPress!

> It’s a Beginners level class

> No prior knowledge or coding required.

> Flavoured coffee & delicious treats provided in class 😉

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      Or Call
      04 13 49 53 62
      To Talk To Me

      Press This To Call Me Now 🙂