You’re probably here because you’re curious about the logos we’ve had the privilege to design.

…and because you wonder if our logo design philosophy matches yours. Fair enough! Well, here’s an article that will tell you what we think an outstanding logo should have. If you can’t read it now, no qualms. It boils down to this:

Regardless of what they stand for, all successful logos from Nike to Elle have 3 things in common.


  • They’re extremely simple (therefore quick to remember)
  • They’re easy to reproduce (by a teen or an unskilled painter)
  • and easy to scale (they’re still readable on the side of a pen)

Our logos tend to be that. If you want a logo that will play the right note in your customer’s heart, then contact us. We’d be happy to help. Before then, enjoy our logofolio!

Created by Pat | February 24, 2016 | Branding, Logo Design

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